
Showing posts from January, 2024

FGCU Sustainability & Food Forest Journal

The question that was asked during this field trip was that of sustainability and how we can change our habits in an effort to better achieve this. We were asked what we thought the definition was, and I believe that it is defined as actions taken in order to remain here while taking into account other life living alongside us, and those who are to come and experience the future that we will leave them.  As for the chapter in our textbook, I'd say that the sentence “we are part of linked systems of humans and nature, so the study of sustainability goes beyond environmentalism,” made me think more so about the topic and how it relates to me. It reminds me of the work the school has done in order to maintain balance between our progress and nature which is present in mere compactors which prevents the presence of trash and thus keeps the environment clean. Ex. 1 The book also mentions “the new domain is a new stable state, and the change is often irreversible,” which brought my thoug