Bonita Springs Water Treatment Plant Journal

 This time we have taken a trip to the Bonita Springs Water Treatment Plant; there we were given a wonderful tour of the plant and great explanation of what each facility does. Water is one of the most important needs for every human being no matter the location, and for quite some time we have been taking water from the ground in order to satisfy the large population that we have today. This in combination with the expansion into natural environments has limited the amount of water that can return to the natural reservoir. In an effort to both keep the environment clean as well as essentially recycle the water we use every day; this water treatment plant was put in place as a way to reduce our water consumption.

Ex. 1

Although it's true that "once water is polluted it is difficult, and thus expensive, to restore," it's incredibly beneficial and the process is interesting in itself. The water treatment plant converts wastewater or sewage into water that can be reused, this works by using aeration tanks which pump air through the water creating air bubbles. First it is sent through a pre-treatment facility where most solid materials are removed and later taken to the landfill. It also goes through a fine screening in order to get more of the smaller solids out of the water. Then it goes through the aeration tank where naturally occurring bacteria then become active and consume solids within the water due to the increased oxygen content. After this it passes through the membrane basin where all sludge is collected and stored. Finally, once having passed through this, the water is sent to be chlorinated and stored in the outside weather pond. 

Ex. 2

As this water can be used for a number of different needs it is sold to those who need it. As described by our guide the water reclaimed here is used for a variety of uses. Urban reuse such as watering parks gardens landscapes, agricultural use mostly for irrigating crops, there is also industrial use where the water can be used for cooling systems or steam systems like that of the waste to energy facility. There is also the possibility of the water being used as drinking water, but this requires advanced treatment so that the water could meet potable standards which is not implemented at this plant at the moment. This actually falls well in with DFE where they "look for opportunities to recover spent materials and components, reprocess them and use them again." This entire facility is truly something incredible as the uses go far beyond as it assists in conserving the freshwater resources that we are worried about today. 

Ex. 3

Paniagua, Ricardo. (Ex. 1) Water Treatment Plant, 28 Mar.

Paniagua, Ricardo. (Ex. 2) Water Treatment Plant, 28 Mar.

Paniagua, Ricardo. (Ex. 3) Water Treatment Plant, 28 Mar.

Robertson, Margaret. Sustainability Principles and Practice, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021. ProQuest eBook Central,


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